Home Health Fitness 20 Non-Scale Resolutions We Love

20 Non-Scale Resolutions We Love


20 Non-Scale Resolutions We Love

January 1st is a popular time to reinvent yourself, create life-changing health and fitness goals for the year and establish new routines — and the MyFitnessPal community certainly has some big plans for 2018.

We asked you to share your resolutions for the New Year, and while millions of people use MyFitnessPal to drop weight throughout the year (you all are seriously crushing it!), we were inspired by the awesome non-scale goals you shared. Take a look at some of our favorites, and then let us know your resolution for 2018 in the comments!

1. Never Too Late!

2. A Kayak as Incentive

Special K wants to fuel your resolutions in 2018 and beyond. Never hesitate about giving your body what it needs.

3. First Marathon in 2018

4. You Had Us at “Value Myself”

5. Saddle Up That Horse

6. Lots of Racing on Tap for Cathy

7. Food Groups and Hikes in 2018

8. Here’s to Getting Speedier

9. Boston, Here She Comes

10. Age IS Just a Number, Carol

11. Setting a Good Example For the Kids

12. Let’s Talk About the Year 2050, Dana

13. Passing the Challenge to the Family

14. Logging + Mindfulness = Success

15. Our Favorite Powerlifting Grandma

16. Sleep and Recovery For the Win

17. A Full 5K … And Then More

18. No Better Motivation Than Grandchildren

19. Two Things We All Struggle With

20. Some Killer Alliteration for Sheila in 2018


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