Wanderful Reads: My Life on the Road


As a community of strong, adventurous women who support each other, we thought it only natural to read feminist leader Gloria Steinem‘s thoughts on how travel creates a more united, tolerant world and broadens the perspectives of travelers themselves.

So, join our #Wanderfulreads in March and April as we read My Life on the Road!

My Life on the Road

Here’s Amazon’s description:

My Life on the Road is the moving, funny, and profound story of Gloria’s growth and also the growth of a revolutionary movement for equality—and the story of how surprising encounters on the road shaped both. From her first experience of social activism among women in India to her work as a journalist in the 1960s; from the whirlwind of political campaigns to the founding of Ms.magazine; from the historic 1977 National Women’s Conference to her travels through Indian Country—a lifetime spent on the road allowed Gloria to listen and connect deeply with people, to understand that context is everything, and to become part of a movement that would change the world.

In prose that is revealing and rich, Gloria reminds us that living in an open, observant, and “on the road” state of mind can make a difference in how we learn, what we do, and how we understand each other.


Starting March 14, Gloria is a part of a FREE course out of Smith College called Psychology of Political Activism: Women Changing the World.

Check out what it’s all about!

Have you ever wanted to change the world? Have you ever wondered what motivates some people to become activists? What experiences in your childhood or when you were a teenager may have shaped your political identity? Join us, along with Gloria Steinem, Loretta Ross, and others, in a seven-week exploration of these questions and more. In this course, you will analyze some of the psychological theories that help explain what leads people to want to change society.

Here’s how #Wanderfulreads works:

Tuesday, March 1: Book is introduced. Purchase it here to support Wanderful!

Throughout April: Wanderful women discuss the book in person in their local chapters.

Beginning of May: Announcement of our next book!

When are the book clubs meeting?

Click here to see the Wanderful chapters reading My Life on the Road near you.

Sponsors: Get women travelers around the world to read your book

Are you an author or publisher? Our wanderful women are looking for interesting and inspiring books to read about travel, particularly women in travel. If you have a great book that you’d love to share with our community, consider sponsoring a travel book club session. Visit our partnerships page for more information!

Featured image by James Tarbotton on Unsplash.


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