This is How Long the Honeymoon Phase Actually Lasts in Relationships

If you’ve ever been in a relationship, you have probably experienced that magical time in the beginning of it when your

6 Psychologist-Backed Ways To Move On After a Breakup

Source: Karolina Grabowska | PexelsIf you’ve ever wondered how to move on after a breakup and having gone through heart

How to Discuss Money with Your Significant Other

When we think of money and relationships, there is often a negative connotation. Maybe its because what to do on date ni

10 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Relationship Right Now

Source: cottonbro | PexelsWhether youve been dating your partner for a few months or have been married for five years, h

5 Signs a Date Went Badly

"This is a really bad start.iStockphoto/ThinkstockDating can be unpredictable. It's not unlike selling a car: You wonder

8 Activities That Are Perfect for Spring Date Nights

After months of movie nights in and bundling up to go to dinner with your partner, it is time to refresh date night, and

Are You Being Love-Bombed? Here Are the Signs To Look Out...

I know what you’re thinking: Love bombing? Ugh, not another new dating term. Between ghosting, benching, orbiting, etc.,

A Step by Step Guide: Breaking Up When You Live Together

No sugar coating here, navigating a breakup while cohabiting is tough. But spoiler alert: you will live through it. Acc

17 Unromantic Signs This Person Might Be ‘The One’

Everything from the classic love affair in Pride and Prejudice to the will-they-or-wont-they drama of Ross and Rachel te

Pickup Lines That Work: Or Will They?

"Jupiterimages/Thinkstock"I bet you were an awful cute baby.""Mind if I get drunk with you?"These two lines are proof en
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