How long should you grill bratwurst?


How you grill a bratwurst has much to do with whether it’s fresh or precooked. To prepare a precooked bratwurst, all you need to do is heat it up and serve. In contrast, you’ll have to follow a specific set of instructions if you plan to grill up a fresh bratwurst. For one thing, it’s recommended that you separate fresh bratwurst from cooked food. It’s also a good idea to cook it so it reaches a temperature of 160 degrees Fahrenheit (71.1 degrees Celsius).

It’s possible to cook up a bratwurst entirely by grilling; however, doing so will cause the outside of the beef to burn before the meat is cooked through. As such, it’s easier to cook fresh or raw bratwurst by first braising or poaching it in a flavorful liquid like beer. The next step will be to allow the bratwurst to turn brown while on the grill.

Before you get to grilling, you’ll want to fire up your barbecue grill. Next, pour a can of beer into a pot or pan that has an ovenproof handle. Once you’ve done this, put the saucepan on the preheated grill. Pierce the beef in several spots with a sharp knife and place the meat into the beer-filled pan on the grill. Next, allow the beef to simmer on an uncovered grill for approximately 15 minutes over medium coals or medium heat on a gas grill. It’s important to turn the bratwurst over once during this period. After 15 minutes or so, remove the bratwurst from the saucepan. The final thing to do is to grill the bratwurst directly over the grill’s heat until it has turned brown and is cooked through, which usually takes about 10 minutes. You should turn the bratwurst approximately halfway into the grilling time.

Grill Bratwurst FAQ

How long do you cook brats on the grill?

If they’re precooked, all you need to do is heat the brats up, so they shouldn’t need more than 10 minutes to get nice and brown. If the brats are raw, you’ll need to parboil and then grill them for an additional 10 minutes.

Should you boil brats before grilling?

Yes, poach or braise brats in a flavorful liquid like beer, though you can use water if you prefer. This will ensure that the brats get nice and brown on the grill instead of burning.

How long do I need to boil bratwurst?

Allow the beef brats to simmer in a pot of liquid on an uncovered grill for approximately 15 minutes over medium heat, turning them over once.

How do you cook brats on a charcoal grill?

Get your grill to medium heat. Put the brats and a can of beer in a heatproof pot directly on the grill. Allow them to simmer on an uncovered grill for 15 minutes, turning them in the liquid once. Then pull the pot off the grill, pull the brats out of the beer, and put them on the grill. Barbecue them for an additional 10 minutes until they’re fully cooked through.

How do you know when brats are done on the grill?

Since brats are beef, the meat is cooked when it reaches an internal temperature of 160 degrees Fahrenheit (71.1 degrees Celsius).


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