Three Places You Need to Visit in Peru

Having too much fun with our guide on the Ica winery tour

It has been nearly two months since we left Peru, but my beau and I are still a-buzz about the experiences and fun we had there. Whenever we see family or friends, we sit them down for a slide show of our favorite pictures, while go on and on about the adventures we had. We talk about our favorite memories and the food we miss. We joke about the things we don’t miss as much, like cold water showers or getting sick.

As my column about my trip winds down (only one more article), I wanted to share three places that you should visit in Peru. These are three experiences that are easily enough had, but might be missed out on if you don’t pay close enough attention.

1. Colca Canyon– This was one of those side trips that we had heard of, but not read about.  We took a two day trekking tour of Colca Canyon, covering 20km (about 12.5 miles) of a canyon, deeper than the Grand Canyon mind you, over a 12 hour period.  Complete with spying majestic condors, tasting traditionally cooked alpaca meat, sleeping in a dirt floor bamboo hut, and ending with a relaxing dip in the local hot springs; this was one of the highlights of our trip.  There is just something about extreme sights and exhaustion that makes a story fun to share.

2. Sand Boarding in Huacachina–  Without the encouragement of our fantastic Lima hostess and a few travel blunders, we would have missed out on the fantastic opportunity to see this amazing town.  Just a comfortable four hour bus ride south of Lima lies the sandy oasis of Huacachina.  There is plenty of adventure or relaxation to be had, depending on your personal choice.  Although I would not suggest swimming in the lagoon, the sand boarding and wine tour were entirely out of this world, when matched with the impressive sand dune scenery that surrounded the town.

Lima honors ceviche

3. Lima– For many, it seems like visiting the capital city of a country is a no-brainer, but I found that many visitors to Peru choose to skip this impressive city entirely.  Big no-no.  Lima might be more mischievous than the smaller towns you’ll see, but I would definitely not skip the culture, cliffs, or comida offered in this city.  From the public ‘combi’ transportation system to wandering around downtown on foot, there is something to see for everyone.  Above anything else, please visit Lima to eat the food.  The city has the reputation as the best ceviche city in the world and it never let us down.

Although I could go on and on about places that you should see, these are my top three recommendations for Go Girl travelers.  I look forward to sharing one last adventure with you next week, but hope you enjoyed the column and are planning your own Peruvian vacation soon.


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